Thursday 21 May 2015

Leopard Capture on Raptors

A successful re-location ! - Excerpt from 'The Raptor : May 2015'

As many residents know, over the past few months a very chilled young female leopard has been observed on the estate, particularly around the causeway and more so in the school grounds. Excited learners were able to find tracks and scat on various occasions close to the classrooms, and on a few occasions the animal was even seen walking casually past the College classrooms. 

Due to concern by many parents that one day a young child might get too close and be injured, it was decided that the leopard should be captured and removed from the area around the school. Fred Berrange of the Leopard Conservation Project together with Byron Wright set up a trap in the school grounds and after a few nights the leopard was caught and removed to the Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre for several days before coming back to be collared and finally released at the opposite end of the estate.

On Wednesday 29 April all the children were given  a remarkable learning opportunity to observe 
the tranquilizing and collaring of the leopard in the Earth  Circle. Dr. Peter Rogers and Fred Berrange talked the learners through the whole process 
from start to finish providing them with a phenomenal opportunity to learn about leopard behavior and anatomy.

After placing the satellite collar on the animal she was placed back into the crate and taken to the release site. The feeling among the experts is that due to the capture and subsequent handling over several days, that the leopard would prefer to avoid human contact and will keep well away from the school. Byron and his team will continue to monitor the situation.

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