Wednesday 27 May 2015

Winter versus Summer in the Bush

"To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with Spring." George Santayana.

As time passes and we move into Winter, the bush changes all around us. Mornings are chilly and we add a blanket to our beds at night. The trees have lost their leaves and the landscape has turned from a beautiful green to brown. The roads are dusty and you can't seem to keep your car clean!

It is the quiet season. Properties look bare and are more difficult to sell. Our pretty town isn't showing it's best side!

Here are some photos showing the difference between Summer and Winter. The contrast is amazing and something to bear in mind when considering buying a property in Hoedspruit in Winter!

For a selection of properties for sale, check out our website, or contact Rob Severin. We'd love to introduce you to the beautiful town of Hoedspruit.

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